Shenotan JFN
- 【Chemical Nature】
Compound of phenolic sulphonic acid and protein derivatives.
Shenotan JFN has good selective filling effect. It nresipates at the pH below 4.5 and gives good fuliness and buffable characters. It improves softness and maintains properties of the chrome tanned leathers at higher pH. Shenotan JFN has the special tight effect on chorme tanned leathers of full grain so as to improve physical property and leather quality as well. At lower pH, it exhibits excellent lightfastness for the production of short napsuede and non-yellowing to crust stock and leathers after finishing provessing. It slightly weakens shade for dyeing.
【Characteristic features】
Appearance: Light red liquid
Effective substance(%): ≥54
PH Value (1:10): 7.0~8.0
Medium stable to electrolyte, cause sediment at pH below 4.5
Used after retanning and fatliquor steps, pH not lower than 4.5. The dosage is 3%~6% based on shaved weight.
【Transportation and Storage】
Shenotan JFN is categorized as non-DG cargo, can be transported and stored normally. The powder and liquid products have a shelf life of at least one year if they are stored in their tightly sealed original packaging at temperatures between 8 ℃ and 40℃. Drums should be tightly resealed each time material is taken from them, and their contents should be used up as soon as possible after they are opened.
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